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Always in the spotlight

The Center for Education, Information, and Trade Union Research deals with issues relevant to the world of work. Our goal is to expand the knowledge of our members and employees and improve their social position on various topics that we have recognized and grouped as such, based on the research and education we conduct, as well as many years of experience in trade union work and constant striving to adopt new things.

Topics we cover

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Monitoring the digitization process in terms of the effect it has on employees and citizens who are increasingly focused on digital services.

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Decent work

Security at the workplace, social protection, better prospects for personal development and social integration, and equal opportunities.

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Economic and social policy

Monitoring economic and social flows at the national level, with recommendations for improving the position of all Montenegrin citizens.

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Modern trade unionism

Introduction of modern technologies and tools to better connect and increase the visibility of trade union activities in the field of improving the position of trade union membership.

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Just transition and climate change

Due to the global increase in renewable energy technologies over the past years, the need for a just transition has been recognized as an opportunity to turn climate challenges into opportunities.

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Gender equality

The existence of equal opportunities for women and men to participate equally in all spheres of social life.

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Social dialogue

Negotiation, consultation, and exchange of information between social partners on issues of common interest.

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Occupational health and safety

The right to protection and health at work, i.e. provision of conditions that do not lead to work injuries, occupational diseases, and work-related diseases should be guaranteed to all employees, without exception.

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