SPK u IV kvartalu 2024. bilježi blagi pad

Centar za edukaciju, informisanje i sindikalna istraživanja izradio je još jednu, petu po redu, sindikalnu potrošačku korpu (SPK) za četvoročlano domaćinstvo. Sindikalna potrošačka korpa za IV kvartal 2024. godine bilježi pad od 30 eura u nominalnom iznosu (ili 1,5%) te iznosi 1.970,00 eura.

SPK u IV kvartalu 2024. bilježi blagi pad

Campaign to save the Institute "Dr. Simo Milošević" Igalo!

The campaign to save the "Dr. Simo Milošević" Igalo Institute began on August 3 with the signing of a petition under the motto "All together as one, the Institute is valuable to all".

Kampanja za spas Instituta “Dr Simo Milošević” Igalo!

CEISI deals with issues relevant to the world of work

Topics we cover: Decent work, Social dialogue, Economic and social policy, Occupational health and safety, Gender equality, Just transition and climate change, Digitization and Modern trade unionism

CEISI se bavi pitanjima relevantnim za svijet rada

Seminars on the topic "Foundations of Modern Trade Unionism"

From April 2021, the Center for Education, Information and Trade Union Research, with the support of the Solidarity Center from Washington, organizes seminars within the Trade Union School on the topic "Foundations of Modern Trade Unionism".

Seminari na temu “Osnovi modernog sindikalizma”

    Center for Education, Information and Trade Union Research

    The Center for Education, Information and Trade Union Research (CEISI) was founded in April 2023 as an independent research and training center.


    Data for 2023

    Gross wage
    Net wage
    Minimum wage
    Consumer basket
    Inflation rate

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    Current topics

    0 news

    Monitoring the digitization process in terms of the effect it has on employees and citizens who are increasingly focused on digital services.

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    0 news
    Decent work

    Security at the workplace, social protection, better prospects for personal development and social integration, and equal opportunities.

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    2 news
    Economic and social policy

    Monitoring economic and social flows at the national level, with recommendations for improving the position of all Montenegrin citizens.

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    0 news
    Modern trade unionism

    Introduction of modern technologies and tools to better connect and increase the visibility of trade union activities in the field of improving the position of trade union membership.

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    0 news
    Just transition and climate change

    Due to the global increase in renewable energy technologies over the past years, the need for a just transition has been recognized as an opportunity to turn climate challenges into opportunities.

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    0 news
    Gender equality

    The existence of equal opportunities for women and men to participate equally in all spheres of social life.

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    0 news
    Social dialogue

    Negotiation, consultation, and exchange of information between social partners on issues of common interest.

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    0 news
    Occupational health and safety

    The right to protection and health at work, i.e. provision of conditions that do not lead to work injuries, occupational diseases, and work-related diseases should be guaranteed to all employees, without exception.

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    User data is anonymous and is collected solely for the purpose of contacting the user about current affairs related to the campaign.

    Campaign to save the Institute "Dr. Simo Milošević" Igalo!

    The campaign to save the "Dr. Simo Milošević" Igalo Institute began on August 3 with the signing of a petition under the motto "All together as one, the Institute is valuable to all".

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    0 supporters
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    Publications and news

    SPK u IV kvartalu 2024. bilježi blagi pad

    Centar za edukaciju, informisanje i sindikalna istraživanja izradio je još jednu, petu po redu, sindikalnu potrošačku korpu (SPK) za četvoročlano domaćinstvo. Peta SPK obuhvata četvrti kvartal 2024. godine, odnosno mjesece oktobar, novembar i decembar. Sindikalna potrošačka korpa za IV kvartal 2024. godine bilježi pad od 30 eura u nominalnom iznosu (ili 1,5%) te iznosi 1.970,00 […]

    SPK dostigla iznos od 2.000 eura

    Centar za edukaciju, informisanje i sindikalna istraživanja utvrdio je sindikalnu potrošačku korpu (SPK) za III kvartal 2024. godine. Ukupna vrijednost SPK-a za period jul-avgust-septembar 2024. godine iznosi 2.000,00 eura. U poređenju sa prethodnim kvartalom, odnosno drugim kvartalom 2024. godine, sindikalna potrošačka korpa bilježi rast u iznosu od 130,00 eura, odnosno 6,95%. Od ukupno deset kategorija […]



    SPK bilježi blagi pad u II kvartalu 2024.

    Centar za edukaciju, informisanje i sindikalna istraživanja utvrdio je sindikalnu potrošačku korpu (SPK) za II kvartal 2024. godine. Ukupna vrijednost SPK-a za period april-maj-jun 2024. godine iznosi 1.870,00 eura. U poređenju sa prethodnim kvartalom, odnosno prvim kvartalom 2024. godine, sindikalna potrošačka korpa bilježi pad u iznosu od 30,00 eura, odnosno 1,58%. Od ukupno deset kategorija […]



    Increase of the Trade Union Consumer Basket in the first quarter of 2024

    Centar za edukaciju, informisanje i sindikalna istraživanja utvrdio je sindikalnu potrošačku korpu (SPK) za I kvartal 2024. godine. Ukupna vrijednost SPK-a za period januar-mart 2024. godine iznosi 1900,00 eura. U poređenju sa prethodnim kvartalom, odnosno četvrtim kvartalom 2023. godine (oktobar-decembar 2023), sindikalna potrošačka korpa zabilježila je rast u iznosu od 50,00 eura, odnosno cca 3%. […]

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    Seminars within the Trade Union School on "Foundations of modern trade unionism"

    From April 2021, the Center for Education, Information and Trade Union Research, with the support of the Solidarity Center from Washington, organizes seminars within the Trade Union School on the topic "Foundations of Modern Trade Unionism".

    We are an NGO affiliated with the Union of Free Trade Unions

    We are an independent research and training center founded by the Union of Free Trade Unions of Montenegro (UFTUM), in order to put its expertise fully at the service of the interests of UFTUM members, as well as all employees and citizens in Montenegro. UFTUM, as a modern trade union headquarters, was formed in November 2008, and today it represents a brand and a synonym for an authentic, sincere and uncompromising struggle for workers' rights. An increasing number of employees recognize UFTUM as their national union headquarters.

    There are 14 branch and three professional unions, which through their active activities, mostly with the logistics provided by UFTUM, have achieved numerous and significant results for their membership. UFTUM presented itself equally successfully on the international trade union scene, where it became a respected partner in numerous projects, as well as a full member of the European Trade Union Confederation and the International Trade Union Confederation, and a constituent of the Regional Trade Union Council "Solidarity". The mission of UFTUM is for Montenegro to become a state of social justice and social welfare for all its citizens.

    Visit the website of the Union of Free Trade Unions

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